Monday, March 30, 2015

Stand by me......Day 35 Lent 2015 Monday of Holy Week

Day 35 Monday in Holy Week  Lent 2015

"But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength"  2 Timothy 4.17a

"Just come and stand beside me, will you?"  The answer was yes, even though I didn't really have much to do with the incident, nor did I have anything pertinent to add.  But what this person needed was someone to stand beside them.  That is, to know that they had there in the presence of adversity a friendly face and someone who could be counted on for support, regardless of the outcome of the day.   Sometimes we just need to know that folks are standing with us, whether figuratively or literally.

Titian, 16th Century, Simon of Cyrene helping
Jesus carry the cross
I know in my own journey when I have felt the most vulnerable, the most dejected and disappointed, I have always reached out to folks and asked them to stand with me.  And it is amazing the strength and perseverance that comes from the knowledge that you are not alone.  How much more can we stand strong in the faith realizing that the Lord himself stands beside us and gives us strength.  These are the words of Paul to his young friend Timothy and they are important words for us to hear as well.  There is a promise that has been given to you in the waters of Baptism and one that will never wear out: the Lord stands beside you and will give you strength.   

Oh, that I might never forget this promise!  Thank you dear Lord for the gift of your presence!

A prayer:  "Dear God, remind me that I never stand alone, but am always in your presence. Help me to lean on your strength especially in my own times of weakness.  Amen."

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